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Why Workplace Conflict Isn’t Always a Bad Thing

We’ve all been there before. Whether the situation exists between you and another person, or two coworkers, we’ve all been witnesses to workplace conflict. While conflict has the ability to transform a healthy workplace culture into a toxic environment, it doesn’t always end badly each time. In fact, when conflict is done correctly, it can actually benefit team culture. So, the next time you sense conflict in the workplace, use some of these tips to steer it in the right direction:

Remember Respect

When the situation occurs around a topic that people are passionate about, emotions can run high. No matter the situation, it’s important to remember that respect should remain at the center of each conversation. This isn’t always easy, but when people feel disrespected it can cause the trust that was once there to disintegrate.

Learn From It

We can use conflict as a way to learn about ourselves and our teammates. Take time to recognize and reflect on how the people on your team handle stress and conflict. Do they get defensive? Are they peacemakers? Do they avoid the situation? And, how do you handle uncomfortable situations? Taking note of this can help you handle conflict differently in the future. Once we recognize how people react in conflict, we can better communicate with them and build relationships, not hurt them.

Get Creative

Try using conflict as a way to stretch your perspective. You might not necessarily agree with someone on your team, or perhaps you don’t understand where they’re coming from. When we try to see a situation from someone else’s perspective, it can help us understand others. The next time a conflict arises, if we immediately try to see the situation in a new light, it can help find solutions quickly and efficiently.

Allow the Conflict to Deepen Relationships

When we learn how to participate in healthy conflict, it can help us build trust. We won’t agree with each other all of the time, and that’s okay. Actually, when we disagree with each other, it often sparks creativity and innovation. When we engage in conflict with the same people, we start to understand that in the end, it’s going to be okay.

Conflict Helps us Grow

If we didn’t engage in conflict, our businesses and team relationships would remain stagnant. When we engage in conflict, we continue to build awareness of our workplace culture, our teams, and our products. It’s through conflict that we learn to question ourselves, and others, while making room for growth.

At Quadrivium Advisors, we know how difficult it is to engage in conflict. But, we also recognize its importance. If it’s time to dig deep and learn more about healthy conflict, contact us here.

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