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Tips for Navigating Your Next Transition

Small business leaders are constantly navigating transitions. Whether it’s developing a new team, re-branding, or launching a new product, businesses in many different capacities, are always changing. Change can be difficult, especially when it comes to learning how to gracefully transition out of the old and into the new. Unfortunately, there isn’t a secret code or magic word to unlock the mystery of transitions. In fact, finding what works for you and your team might take a lot of guessing and checking. However, there are a few simple techniques that will definitely help you navigate your next transition with ease and efficiency. First and foremost, never forget to assess the situation. As a leader, it’s crucial to take the time to reflect on the situation and make a plan. This might seem obvious, but transitions can often occur in a time of chaos and uncertainty. Don’t forget to slow down, take note of the situation, and decide how you want to move forward. Eventually, you’ll be ready to bring in your team. Finding the right way to help your team through a transition will take time. So, be prepared to put in the work right away. You can start by focusing on clear and concise communication. People get nervous when change occurs, especially when it’s unexpected or if they feel like they have no control over what’s happening. It’s crucial that you keep your team informed and practice transparency at every stage of the transition. Explain the situation appropriately, ask for feedback, welcome their ideas, and encourage your team to ask questions and get involved. When people feel a sense of ownership in the decision-making process, it’s more likely that they’ll stay committed to the process and play their part during and after the transition. Here are a few ways to ensure communication:

  • Send email updates frequently, with new or important information and details

  • Host group meetings in order to observe team morale

  • Don’t wait too long communicate changes or new decisions to your team members

  • Transitions can be a really uncomfortable experience for some people. Make sure to be mindful of how each of your team members is experiencing the change, and ask for ways to better support them.

A lot of people fear change. But, eventually it will become a new “normal.” We can begin the process of normalizing change by talking about and describing what the future will look like after the transition is complete. Hosting a meeting that focuses on future plans, changes, and expectations can help your employees understand what their roles will be within the transition and how they might change. Transitions don’t have to be stressful! If you’re experiencing a change and need help navigating it with your team, connect with us here.

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